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You Might Be Out of Compliance with OSHA & NFPA 70E and Not Even Know it!
In 5 Minutes, Determine Your Electrical Safety Compliance & Identify Areas of Improvement With Our Compliance Checklist!
Identify areas of noncompliance within your electrical safety program
Self-audit your own program to learn where electrical hazards may cause issues
Learn the 19+ electrical safety topics you must include in your electrical safety program
The 8 PPE questions every safety leader must ask themselves every quarter
The 2 electrical safety tools every facility needs
Used by the world's top safety companies
Most safety leaders have no idea...
You're probably swamped with many safety tasks that you can't keep up. This means you either forget or neglect everything else that comes your way.
We get it. It's easy to put off electrical safety, let alone find out if you're out of compliance or not!
That's why we created the 5-Minute Electrical Safety Checklist. It's a self-audit you can go through quickly to determine if you're in our out of compliance with OSHA & the NFPA 70E.
You may already have an electrical safety program. Or maybe you're in desperate need of one!
In both situations, this audit will help you refine or create a program worthy of 5-star safety rating!
Bob Herzig's 23 years of electrical safety knowledge and expertise has been putt into this checklist for your educational benefit!
We guarantee it will help you along your safety goals and achieve 100% safety compliance.
Download the free PDF checklist today and begin the journey to a safer workplace.
Godspeed on your safety mission!
Herzig Engineering Team