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Got a question?


Achieve 100% Electrical Safety Compliance With This Proven 6-Step Plan 

22 Years of Electrical Safety Wisdom Condensed Into One PDF So You Never Have to Question if You’re in Compliance Again!


How to maintain and improve your electrical safety program for years to come!


Secretes to reducing costs by 8% or more while increasing safety output across your locations.


A laundry list of common electrical OHSA citations & how to mitigate risks, fast!


No more compliance confusion - be 100% certain your facilities are compliant!


The 6 electrical safety categories you need to stay compliant with at your facility.


The 7 milestones of a safety leader that anyone can learn and implement!

Used by the world's top safety companies


Hey Safety Leader,


If you're like most safety leaders, you feel a strong sense of responsibility and accountability toward your team. You desire to help your workers go home safely every day.  


The problem is that we often play the "out of sight, out of mind" game when it comes to electrical safety.


And we totally understand why! You're probably swamped with work and feeling overwhelmed with all the safety tasks in front of you. We get it. It's easy to put off electrical safety. 


But, at the same time, if a shock, burn, or explosion hurts or harms a worker, it's more likely to cause them severe injury that could hospitalize them. Electrical hazards are one of the most dangerous safety issues workers face today.  


So please hear us: you can't give disaster that chance! 


You may already have an electrical safety program. Or maybe you're in desperate need of one!


In both situations, the SafePassage Electrical Safety Blueprint is exactly what you need to get back on track with your electrical safety efforts. 


The SafePassage Blueprint was created by Bob Herzig's 23 years of electrical safety knowledge and expertise. He shares his secrets for keeping workplaces safe against dangerous electrical hazards. 


We guarantee it will help you achieve 100% safety compliance if you follow all six steps as outlined in the blueprint.


Download the free PDF blueprint today! Don't wait another minute!


Godspeed on your safety mission!


Herzig Engineering Team

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